In the interest of full disclosure and 100% transparency, we want you, our readers to know, that links to products/services on our site may be affiliate links. This means, if you follow the link and make a purchase, we will make a commission. This is at no extra cost to you, of course.
Our hope (and aim) with is that it becomes a go-to resource for anyone looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle. Information on our blog is and always will be free and more importantly, honest.
Our goal is to inspire you to live in a more eco friendly manner, by adopting new habits, slowly but surely – one step at a time. We will share advice, tips and resources with you, that we find useful. We want to help our readers by making tried and tested recommendations. If you choose to make a purchase based on our recommendations, it helps us make an income from this blog.
We promise we will NEVER EVER link to dodgy or irrelevant products/services just to make a commission. We’re ethical like that.
If you have any further questions about this, feel free to get in touch with us via the Contact Us page.
Thank you!
Eco Friendly Habits